This detail is usually last on everyone’s list and can often be overlooked. We want to give you some insight as to why it’s more important than you may think. While you have already made room block arrangements with your hotel, take it a step further. By arranging for transportation on their behalf, guests get to your wedding as quickly and efficiently as possible. Shuttle service has been a big trend these past few years because one shuttle can bring anywhere from 12-50 guests at once. This helps prevent the possibility of your guests showing up late and even better, eliminating awful parking issues so your loved ones aren’t hiking a mile to get to your event. Let’s not make Ashley and her fiancé show up a sweaty mess, ladies. Another great benefit is once your event wraps up, your shuttle service will be back to swoop up your guests and drive them to their destination. You easily avoid adding an additional cost for your guests as most of them would call an Uber or Lyft. By this gesture alone, you have given them peace of mind, saving yourself and your guests from unforeseen stress. Talk about a class act!